Title:       Facebook Application Development - Error - FacebookAPI.CreateSession() - FacebookAPI.ErrorCheck() - Invalid Parameter Fix
Author:      Greg Dubinovskiy 
Email:       [email protected]
Environment: c# .NET
Keywords:    Facebook Application Development - Error - FacebookAPI.CreateSession() - FacebookAPI.ErrorCheck() - Invalid Parameter Fix
Level:       Intermediate
Description: Facebook Application Development - Error - FacebookAPI.CreateSession() - FacebookAPI.ErrorCheck() - Invalid Parameter Fix
Section      Miscellaneous
SubSection   General

Siccolo Development Articles - Facebook Application Development - .NET Software Development - Generate Facebook Content using FBML - using FBML - using FBJS

After my greatest Facebook application was sort-of developed, it was time for testing... Ha-ha! What do I know - it didn't work! Messed with various settings, still wouldn't work! Drove me bananas...

If you ever received error Invalid Parameter and spend more than 5 min to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it...

If you look closely in Facebook Documentation for Authentication process (can be found @ Facebook Application Authentication ), there is canvas parameter that can be passed when redirecting to Facebook login.php. And after experementing with actual URL in browser address, and manually adding canvas parameter in browser URL address, my Facebook application worked as expected.

    To fix it:
  1. In Facebook Developer Toolkit, in Facebook.WebControls - BasePageHelper class:
    internal class BasePageHelper
    	public static void LoadFBMLPage(FacebookService fbService, bool autoAdd, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
                string sessionKey = null;
                string userId = null;
                string inCanvas = request[REQUEST_IN_CANVAS];
                fbService.IsDesktopApplication = false;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fbService.SessionKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fbService.UserId))
                    sessionKey = request[REQUEST_SESSION_KEY];
                    userId = request[REQUEST_USER_ID];
                    sessionKey = fbService.SessionKey;
                    userId = fbService.UserId;
                // When the user uses the facebook login page, the redirect back here will will have the auth_token in the query params
                string authToken = request.QueryString[QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN];
                // We have already established a session on behalf of this user
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionKey))
                    fbService.SessionKey = sessionKey;
                    fbService.UserId = userId;
                //// This will be executed when facebook login redirects to our page
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken))
                    //response.Redirect(@"http://www.facebook.com/login.php?api_key=" + fbService.ApplicationKey + @"&v=1.0");
                    //check if canvas!
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(inCanvas) && inCanvas.Equals("1"))
                        response.Write("<fb:redirect url=\"" + FACEBOOK_LOGIN_URL + fbService.ApplicationKey + @"&v=1.0&canvas" + "\"/>");
                        response.Write("<fb:redirect url=\"" + FACEBOOK_LOGIN_URL + fbService.ApplicationKey + @"&v=1.0" + "\"/>");
                if (!fbService.IsAppAdded() && autoAdd)
                    if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inCanvas) && inCanvas.Equals("1")) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Url.ToString()) && request.Url.ToString().ToLower().Contains("facebook.com")))
                        response.Write("<fb:redirect url=\"" + FACEBOOK_ADD_URL + fbService.ApplicationKey + @"&v=1.0" + "\"/>");
                        response.Redirect(FACEBOOK_ADD_URL + fbService.ApplicationKey + @"&v=1.0");
    Bellow is added/changed code:
    if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(inCanvas) && inCanvas.Equals("1"))
    	response.Write("<fb:redirect url=\"" + FACEBOOK_LOGIN_URL + fbService.ApplicationKey + @"&v=1.0&canvas" + "\"/>");
    	response.Write("<fb:redirect url=\"" + FACEBOOK_LOGIN_URL + fbService.ApplicationKey + @"&v=1.0" + "\"/>");
  2. compiled Facebook.WebControls. great.
  3. now, I needed to add canvas parameter to QueryString in my application:
    public partial class _App : CanvasFBMLBasePage 
    	new protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    		base.Api = FACEBOOKAPIKEY;
    		base.Secret = FACEBOOK_SECRET;
    		base.Page_Load(sender, e);

    And it works now.... And you can see this sample application on Facebook - Traveling Babies

    Article keywords: Facebook, FBML, FBJS, AJAX, Mock AJAX , fb:action, fb:create-button, fb:help, fb:dashboard, fb:friend-selector, fb:editor, fb:iframe, , Animation, setTextValue, setValue , getElementById, span, div, ajax.post, , asp:DropDownList, asp:Button, asp:GridView, form, runat=server, server-side, DataSet, DataColumn, DataRow, GridView, DataSource

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