Title:       Custom File Upload - .NET Software Development - Javascript and Scripting.FileSystemObject
Author:      Greg Dubinovskiy 
Email:       [email protected]
Environment: Javascript, .NET
Keywords:    Browse for Folder - Browse for File - Upload File Control - using Javascript - using Scripting.FileSystemObject
Level:       Intermediate
Description: Browse for Folder - Browse for File - Upload File Control - using Javascript - using Scripting.FileSystemObject -
		How to access the directory path string (which will be used to download the files) - How to set any available default values for the directory bvrowser -
		Ability to allow a user to browse for a file on the desktop to be written/uploaded to the directory on the server - 
		Programmatically invoke the file browse dialog with JavaScript - Load file into javascript variable - Browse for file html button done with javascript - 
		Reading file contents using javascript - Browse local file with Web Browser - Replacing input type=file with JavaScript - 
		JavaScript based File Manager - Uploading image files with a Javascript - How to browse a Folder in a Web application developed using JavaScript.

Section      Miscellaneous
SubSection   General

Siccolo Development Articles - Javascript Application Development - .NET Software Development - Browse for Folder - Browse for File - Upload File Control - using Javascript

Select a drive:  

1. Using Scripting.FileSystemObject to display Drives, Folders and Files:

In client-side browser script, you can use Scripting.FileSystemObject to "explore" drives, folders and files presented on the client machine.

For example, to get list of drives and display them in a list box:
function show_drives_list()
		//list <select> element:
		var list = document.getElementById("selectDriveList");
		//clear list:
		list.options[list.options.length]=new Option("<select drive>", "", false, false);

		var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

		var enumDrives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);

		for (; !enumDrives.atEnd(); enumDrives.moveNext())
			var driveItem = enumDrives.item();
			var driveLetter = driveItem.DriveLetter;
			//alert (driveItem.DriveLetter);
			list.options[list.options.length]=new Option(driveLetter + ":", driveLetter+ ":", false, false);
	catch (_err)
		alert ("Failed to Populate Drive List:\n" + _err.description );	
Once Drives list is populated, then Folders can be shown for a selected drive:
function show_folders( parent_folder_path )
		//list  <select> element:
		var list = document.getElementById("selectFolderList");
		//clear list:
		list.options[list.options.length]=new Option("<select folder>", "", false, false);

		var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

		var parentFolder = fso.GetFolder(parent_folder_path);

		var enumFolders = new Enumerator(parentFolder.SubFolders);

		for (; !enumFolders.atEnd(); enumFolders.moveNext())
			var folderItem = enumFolders.item();
			list.options[list.options.length]=new Option(folderItem, folderItem, false, false);
		return true;

	catch (_err)
		alert ("Failed to Populate Folder List:\n" + _err.description );	
		return false;
Once Folder is selected, then Files are in corresponding list:
function show_files( parent_folder_path )
		//list <select> element:
		var list = document.getElementById("selectFileList");
		//clear list:

		var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

		var parentFolder = fso.GetFolder(parent_folder_path);

		var enumFiles = new Enumerator(parentFolder.files);

		for (; !enumFiles.atEnd(); enumFiles.moveNext())
			var fileItem = enumFiles.item();
			list.options[list.options.length]=new Option(fileItem.name, fileItem, false, false);

		return true;
	catch (_err)
		alert ("Failed to Populate File List:\n" + _err.description );	
		return false;
And once File is selected - put it in text box on the page:
function select_file ( file_path)
	document.getElementById("textSelectedFile").value = file_path;

2. Build Web Service to allow file uploading (ASP.NET/C#):

On you server-side, we will need a web service that would accept file content as byte array and file name:

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;

[WebService(Namespace = "http://www.siccolo.com/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService
	[WebMethod(Description = "Test File Upload")]
    	public bool DoTestUpload(   string FileName,
                                byte[] FileIn,
                                out string ErrorInfo)

        	bool ToDebug = UploadSettings.ToDebug();
        	FileUpload fu = new FileUpload();

            		if (ToDebug)
                		fu.SaveToLog("Request from [" +
                                    this.Context.Request.UserHostAddress +
                                    "]"                                    );

	            	string FilePath = UploadSettings.FilePath();
        	    	if (FilePath == "")
                		throw (new System.Exception("Settings.File Path is not set"));
        	    	if (ToDebug) { fu.SaveToLog("FilePath [" + FilePath + "]"); }

		       if (!fu.SaveUploadToFile(FileName, FileIn, out ErrorInfo))
                		return false;

	            	ErrorInfo = "";
        	    	return true;

	        catch (Exception ex)
	            ErrorInfo = ex.Message;
	            if (ToDebug) { fu.SaveToLog(ex.ToString()); }
        	    return true;
Where SaveUploadToFile() method in FileUpload class:
public bool SaveUploadToFile(string FileName,
                               byte[] FileIn,
                               out string ErrorInfo)
            string FullFileName = UploadSettings.FilePath();
            FullFileName = Path.Combine(FullFileName, FileName);

            System.IO.FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(FullFileName);

            this.SaveToLog("SaveUploadToFile().FileIn.Length=" + FileIn.Length.ToString());

            fs.Write(FileIn, 0, FileIn.Length);
            ErrorInfo = "";
            return true;
        catch (Exception ex_save_file)
            ErrorInfo = ex_save_file.Message;
            return false;

3. Call Web Service from Javascript

And to call our just created Web Service from JavaScript: 1) add an element <div id="serviceUploadFile" style="BEHAVIOR:url(webservice.htc)" onresult="on_upload_done();">
2) call web service:

var service_url = "http://www.microsoft.com/service.asmx?WSDL"; 
var serviceDiv = document.getElementById("serviceUploadFile");

function do_file_upload ( file_name, file_bytes)
		var errorInfo;
		alert ("Sending:" + file_name + " Size:" + file_bytes.length);
		var result = serviceDiv.Service.callService("DoTestUpload",file_name,file_bytes, errorInfo); 

		alert ("result:" + result + " error:" + errorInfo);
		return true;
	catch (_err)
		alert ("Failed to upload a File List:\n" + _err.description );	
		return false;

And that's it. Click to see JavaScript source code for this article

Article keywords: .NET, C#, Javascript, File upload, Scripting.FileSystemObject, Drive, Folder, File, Drives, Folders, Files, GetFolder, Subfolders, getElementById, options, new Option(), new Enumerator(),

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