Mobile Management For SQL Server(s!) - Siccolo - SQL Management Tool

Siccolo Development Articles - Handling Currency, SQL Development, SQL Server scripts and SQL Reporting
Create SQL Function To Format To Currency - display money and currency amounts in the currency format using User-Defined Function in SQL Server

CREATE FUNCTION format_currency (@monetary_value decimal(20,2) ) returns varchar(20)
	declare @return_value varchar(20)
	declare @is_negative bit
	select @is_negative = case when @monetary_value<0 then 1 else 0 end

	if @is_negative = 1
		set @monetary_value = -1*@monetary_value

	set @return_value = convert(varchar, isnull(@monetary_value, 0))

	declare @before varchar(20), @after varchar(20)

	if charindex ('.', @return_value )>0 
		set @after= substring(@return_value,  charindex ('.', @return_value ), len(@return_value))	
		set @before= substring(@return_value,1,  charindex ('.', @return_value )-1)	
		set @before = @return_value
		set @after=''
	-- after every third character:
	declare @i int
	if len(@before)>3 
		set @i = 3
		while @i>1 and @i < len(@before)
			set @before = substring(@before,1,len(@before)-@i) + ',' + right(@before,@i)
			set @i = @i + 4
	set @return_value = @before + @after

	if @is_negative = 1
		set @return_value = '-' + @return_value

	return @return_value 

so, for example, running select dbo.format_currency (1234), dbo.format_currency (-1234.05), results are: 1,234.00 and -1,234.05.

You can also use Convert T-SQL function, for example select $ + convert(varchar, 1234), but the result is not as "beautiful" as using user-defined function above: $1234

Side Note:
User-Defined Functions - Functions are subroutines made up of one or more Transact-SQL statements that can be used to encapsulate code for reuse.
User-defined functions are created using the CREATE FUNCTION statement, modified using the ALTER FUNCTION statement, and removed using the DROP FUNCTION statement.

CREATE FUNCTION - Creates a user-defined function, which is a saved Transact-SQL routine that returns a value. User-defined functions cannot be used to perform a set of actions that modify the global database state. User-defined functions, like system functions, can be invoked from a query. They also can be executed through an EXECUTE statement like stored procedures.
For example:
CREATE FUNCTION format_currency (@monetary_value decimal(20,2) ) returns varchar(20)

Conversion Functions - Use the conversion functions, CAST and CONVERT, to convert expressions of one data type to another data type. These conversion functions are also used to obtain a variety of special data formats.

CONVERT function - Explicitly converts an expression of one data type to another.
CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [ , style ] )

varchar data type - variable-length character data type. Character data consists of any combination of letters, symbols, and numeric characters.

Charindex function - Returns the starting position of the specified expression in a character string.
CHARINDEX ( expression1 , expression2 [ , start_location ] ) 

Substring function - Returns part of a character, binary, text, or image expression.
SUBSTRING ( expression , start , length ) 
Create SQL Function To Format Number - display numbers in SQL Server

CREATE FUNCTION format_number (@int_value int ) returns varchar(20)

	declare @is_negative bit
	select @is_negative = case when @int_value<0 then 1 else 0 end

	if @is_negative = 1
		set @int_value = -1*@int_value

	declare @return_value varchar(20)
	set @return_value = convert(varchar, isnull(@int_value, 0))

	declare @before varchar(20), @after varchar(20)

	set @before = @return_value
	set @after=''

	-- after every third character:
	declare @i int
	if len(@before)>3 
		set @i = 3
		while @i>1 and @i < len(@before)
			set @before = substring(@before,1,len(@before)-@i) + ',' + right(@before,@i)
			set @i = @i + 4
	set @return_value = @before + @after

	if @is_negative = 1
		set @return_value = '-' + @return_value

	return @return_value 

so, for example, running dbo.format_number (1234), dbo.format_number (-1234.05), results are: 1,234 and -1,234.

Article keywords: create function, user defined function, convert currency, convert money, select, convert(), varchar, charindex(), substring(), while, begin, end, sql currency format, sql format currency

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